Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Summer is coming to an end...

I only have 2 weeks left of my co-op and its a really weird feeling for me. I'm excited about having a bit more free time during the day and being able to sleep in some days, but i'm going to really miss not having anything to do at night or on the weekends, and i'm going to miss a lot of the people i work with. That has been the best aspect of this job, the people I met. I have met a few people that I hope will be in my life for a very long time.

I've been down the shore for the past few weekends. Over Labor Day weekend a bunch of friends and myself rented a condo in Wildwood and that was a blast. This past weekend I took my puppy to Brigantine. That was an interesting experience, she is scared of rain, loves to take baths and loves running through sprinklers and the Drexel fountain...but it petrified of the ocean. At first she ran right in, and then changed her mind for the next few hours, as soon as a wave came in she was running in the opposite direction. About an hour before we were getting ready to leave she jumped in the water again with no hesitation. Here is the little monster:

So I moved into a new apartment this weekend and it has been really rough for me. I moved away from my best friend because my apartment building changed its pet policy and there was no way I could ever imagine giving away Missy. So now I'm in a one bedroom apartment with my dog and too many cockroaches. Apparently the last tenants were slobs...and packed at least 4 people in a 1 bedroom apartment. All of this leads to many many headaches for Stephanie. But I will be fine. I am always fine, and even if I am not, I put up a front so no one knows that there is something bothering me. I've been told that this is something I have to work on, but its working out just fine for me.

Until next time...