Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hello hello!

Hello and welcome to my blog! Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Stephanie, I'm a third/fourth year business student (exactly which year i am is open for interpretation, I always say I'm a third year but I was told yesterday that you advance in the summer, so that would make me a fourth year and therefore really old...) concentrating in marketing and international business. I'm from Hillsborough, NJ which is a large farm town in North Jersey. I'm on my second co-op right now with Drexel's Undergraduate Admissions office. My first co-op was in Center City for a small pharmaceutical sales recruiting firm.

I'm trying to get back into the swing of things since my vacation last week, I went to Disney World!! Let me tell you, that is not just a place for kids, I went down with a few friends, my family and a friends family (in all there were 34 of us) and we all had a blast! Its hard to be stuck behind a desk for 8 hours a day when all last week I was wandering around Florida going on rides and working on my tan. But I guess thats what makes vacations so good, the fact that they end. If they lasted forever then you would have nothing to look forward to....or something like that haha.

Today I'll leave you all with a picture of me and a few friends from Disney World, I'm the one in the blue, second from the right.

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