Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Monday all! Hope everyone's weekend was as good as mine. My cousin got married on Friday and then I bummed around all day Saturday and Sunday.

I wasn't really expecting the wedding to be enjoyable but it ended up being a really great time and i met a really cute boy, so thats always a plus! I feel so old, my cousin just got married and my brother just got his license today, I'm all grown up!

On Saturday and Sunday I was a complete waste of air, I sat on my couch and watched the Discovery Channel.

I have decided that now is the time to discuss my hatred of self-flushing public toilets. I assume this isn't as big of a problem for gentlemen as it is for ladies, but even the slightest movement to, oh I don't know, grab some toilet paper maybe, triggers the flushing mechanism. Its annoying and unnecessary.

So I'm not really sure what I'll be up to for the 4th of July, I know there are fireworks by the art museum so I was thinking about heading over in that direction and watching but I'm really not sure.

This time I'll leave you with a picture from my cousin's wedding, have a fantastical week!

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