Friday, July 27, 2007

hello again

I felt it was time for another blog although there is nothing worth noting going on in my life at the moment. I'm going home this weekend because my sister, niece and nephew from North Carolina are up visiting and I haven't seen them in months. I'm also bringing my new puppy home to meet my dog at home. That should be interesting because my dog at home doesn't like other dogs so much and my puppy loves other dogs. So yeah, interesting to say the least.

I'm so tired and worn down I feel like even if I napped for a year and a half I would still be exhausted by the time I woke up.

I spent all of my Wednesday night in the doctor's office with one of my friends who broke his foot. I've never broken a bone before and after looking at his foot, I don't think I ever want to.

One of my friends tried to throw one of my other friends (and fellow DWC) through my kitchen wall the other there is a large dent in my wall and its unfortunate. I guess I should look into getting it fixed.

I'm still waiting on pictures from the ice cream socials, the boys who have them are really really slow to get them to me. As a consolation here is a picture of my friend Joanna and myself.

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